(41 reviews)

Is this you?

Are you feeling a little lost or disconnected lately?
Perhaps you’re searching for a deeper sense of purpose or meaning in your life

Do you feel overwhelmed with the pressures of life, or that you’re not good enough?

You never know if you’re making the right choice, and sometimes that prevents you from making any decisions at all.

Are you struggling to find balance between work and private life, and  always say “Yes” when someone asks for your help?

It doesn’t have to be like this!

Life can be overwhelming sometimes; too much of just about everything, and saying no isn’t always easy.

This is where staying heart centered really makes a difference!

This will help you increase your self-esteem, handle stress, and make you feel great in your everyday life.

Heart Centered Knowledge

Living a heart centered life will help you stand strong and feel good about yourself, inside and out.

You will increase self-esteem, handle stress, stop worrying and take command of your life again, and actually enjoy the ride,  acting in life rather than reacting to it.

When you know how to live from your heart and stay heart centered, you can do it even when life is tough.

Knowledge for life!

My name is Susanne Jönsson, and I am the founder of Soul and Heart Journey School, a school for personal and spiritual growth.

Our work is based on ancient knowledge in combination with the present knowledge we have on Earth today.

Over the years, I have had the privilege to meet more than 20,000 students and clients. I know that our teachings work – I witness it every day.

Today, I can say with confidence that you can change the way you feel, you can increase your self-confidence, and handle stress while maintaining your inner strength and balance. Actually, it is often much easier than you think.

If I can do it – so can you!
// Susannne Jönsson

Susanne-Jönsson Stay Heart Centered

Heart Centered Knowledge
– the course bundle!

Heart centered knowledge by Soul and Heart Journey School

Get all of the online courses that will help you to stay heart centered, increase self-esteem, deal with stress and worries, and more…


$ 472 $ 39


Living a heart centered life will help you stand strong and feel good about yourself, inside and out. Soul and Heart Journey School

Online course: Improve self esteem and self love

Feeling egocentric when increasing self-esteem?

Learn how to do it from your heart. You’ll be more loving and kind – to yourself and everyone around you, without feeling guilty.


$ 59 $ 0 – it’s included!
Living a heart centered life will help you stand strong and feel good about yourself, inside and out. Soul and Heart Journey School

Online course: How to live from your heart

When life is overwhelming, when you get stressed out, anxious, or frustrated, that’s when you need an effective technique to help you stay heart centered, and it will only take 5 minutes a day to do it.

This will help you stay calm and focused, and be kind and loving, to yourself and others, even on stormy days.


$ 59 $ 0 – it’s included!
Living a heart centered life will help you stand strong and feel good about yourself, inside and out. Soul and Heart Journey School

Online course: Dealing with stress
Learn how to deal with stress and be heart centered at the same time. You will be able to say no, break old patterns and feel satisfied and in balance when doing it.


$ 59 $ 0 – it’s included!
Living a heart centered life will help you stand strong and feel good about yourself, inside and out. Soul and Heart Journey School

Online course: Let your energy sensitivity be a gift – not a burden!

Are you an energy-sensitive person and want to be able to enjoy it? Learn how to let your energy sensitivity be a gift – not a burden.


$ 59 $ 0 – it’s included!
Living a heart centered life will help you stand strong and feel good about yourself, inside and out. Soul and Heart Journey School

Online course: Dealing with anxiety

Feeling not good enough?

When you handle anxiety from your heart, you learn to listen to your inner guidance, and you know that you can trust yourself, as well as make the right decision.


$ 59 $ 0 – it’s included!
Living a heart centered life will help you stand strong and feel good about yourself, inside and out. Soul and Heart Journey School

Online course: Stay Heart Centered – on the next level

Get tips to help you stay heart centered even on stormy days.

When life is a struggle: Reduce your worries, Increase your self-esteem, Handle stress, Free meditation and much more.


$ 59 $ 0 – it’s included!
Living a heart centered life will help you stand strong and feel good about yourself, inside and out. Soul and Heart Journey School

More bonuses: Articles, tips and e-books

We’d like to give you more; plenty of articles for you to read. We hope they will inspire you. Inspire you to be creative, kind to yourself, and do the things you love.


$ 59 $ 0 – it’s included!
Living a heart centered life will help you stand strong and feel good about yourself, inside and out. Soul and Heart Journey School

More bonuses: App and e-guide

And last but not least; you can download our app and e-guide. Here you’ll find everything you need to know in one place – to make it even easier for you!


$ 59 $ 0 – it’s included!

Heart Centered Knowledge 
– the course bundle!

Get them all!
$ 472 $ 39

One time payment, lifetime access and personal support!

Heart centered knowledge by Soul and Heart Journey School
  • Online course: How to live from your heart – and stay heart centered
  • Online course: Dealing with stress
  • Online course: Dealing with anxiety
  • Online course: Improve self esteem and self love
  • Online course: Let your energy sensitivety be a gift – not a burden!
  • Online course: Stay Heart Centered – on the next level
  • More bonuses: Articles, tips and e-books
  • App and e-guide
  • Guided exercises and personal support

One time payment and lifetime access to the courses.
Get instant access and You can start at once!

100% money back guarantee
We want you to be satisfied!

Real customer stories


Stories and experiences during the meditations give me the feeling of becoming more whole. Wonderful!


A birthday gift from my best girlfriend

I received the membership as a birthday gift from my best girlfriend, and now as summer turns into fall, I’m both excited and motivated to have a platform to focus on my own personal development. What makes it even more special is that the school warmly welcomes me into a beautiful community immediately ❤️.



You learn new things every day, but some days you learn more. Things that were difficult and incomprehensible became simple and obvious – thanks!


Love and light

Thanks for everything, Beautiful soul! The world needs more warm hearts and fewer hotheads.


I'm home

Simple, obvious – absolutely wonderful! I’m home …


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We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and personal support!


We are very proud and satisfied with our online courses, but we also know that they may not be for everyone.
Therefore, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and your entire fee back.
Notify us within 15 days to get a full refund, no questions asked.


We are here to help!

We believe in helping our Soul and Heart family to live from their heart and to stay there, even those days life gets complicated. That’s why Susanne Jönsson and her team, answer your questions on a daily basis.